We’re Recruiting
Eastern Health is seeking three (3) volunteers, as outlined below, to act as a patient and family advisor on the Cancer Care Program’s Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC):
- one (1) volunteer from Western Health Region,
- one (1) volunteer from Central Health Region, and
- two (2) volunteers from Labrador-Grenfell Health Region.
Patient and family advisors will be given the opportunity to share their perspectives on educational resources, initiatives, programs and services to help improve the patient, family member and caregiver experience during the cancer journey.
Patient and family advisors in the Cancer Care Program’s PFAC will work in partnership with health professionals to shape policies; programs; and day-to-day interactions to advance the family and patient-centred approach to cancer-care delivery.
Patients and family members with experience in cancer care will be considered for the role of patient and family advisors within the Program’s PFAC. No special qualifications are required to be a patient and family advisor with the Cancer Care Program’s PFAC and training will be provided to successful applicants.
To apply for this meaningful volunteer opportunity, please visit www.easternhealth.ca/cfcc and complete a Client and Family Advisor application, indicating cancer care as an area of interest.
For more information about the application process, please e-mail Client.FamilyAdvisors@easternhealth.ca or call (709) 777- 6777.